Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

A-Core Profile

Hello guys!! Here are the wonderful adjudicators who have lots of achievements and experiences in debating competition ; 
Chief Adjudicator (CA) 
Brawijaya University (Indonesia) and Wollongong University (Australia)

Debating Awards
ü 2nd Winner of Novice Break Indonesian Varsities English Debate 2011 (IVED) – UNHAS Makassar
ü Champion and Best Speaker East Java Varsities English Debate (EJVED)2012
ü Champion and TOP 5th Best Speaker National wide Hasanuddin BP 2013
ü 2nd Runner up and Best Speaker National wide SMANISDA Open Debate 2012
ü Runner-up and Best Speaker NUDC Kopeertis VII
ü Semifinalist and TOP 10 Best Speaker National wide ATMAJAYA IV BP 2013
ü Runner up and TOP 10 Best Speaker National wide SODC  2013
ü 2rd Runner up and TOP 10 Best Speaker ITS Open Debate 2011
ü Quarterfinalist JOVED 2012
ü 3rd Winner National BP AUI – UK PETRA 2011
ü ETC. (Octofinalists od IVED, ALSA UI, SODE)

Adjudicating Experiences
ü Deputy Chief of Adjudicator  (DCA) of MNDC 2012 (Breaking 1st)
ü Deputy Chief of Adjudicator (DCA) of BET 2013 (Breaking 1st)
ü Invited Adjudicator of VEDC HS-Debate comp 2012 (Breaking 1st)
ü Invited Adjudicator of ESC 2012 (Breaking 5th)
ü Invited Adjudicator of 1st MNDC 2012
ü Deputy Chief of Adjudicator (DCA) of 4th FORCE
ü Deputy Chief of Adjudicator (DCA)of ESC 2013
ü Chief of Adjudicator (CA) English Week UNESA 2013
ü Deputy Chief of Adjudicator of OB 2012 and 2013
ü ETC. Invited adjudicator (SMASH, ESC, )

Deputy of Chief Adjudicator (DCA)
 Fathimah Rofi’ati (Fafa)
Brawijaya University

Debating Awards
ü Semifinalist & 2nd best speaker FORCE March 2011
ü Quarterfinalist EJVED 2011
ü Runner Up MNDC 2012
ü Semifinalist&top 4 best speaker Ma Chung Debate Competition 2012
ü Champion FORCE March 2012
ü Octofinalist ALSA UI 2012
ü Quarterfinalist BAWOR Cup 2012
ü Semifinalist&top 4 best speaker EJVED 2012
ü 1st place Olimipade Brawijaya 2012
ü Quarterfinalist English Parade 2013
ü Runner-Up International Humanitarian Law Debate Indonesia Round 2013

Adjudicating Experiences
ü Accredited “B” & breaking adjudicator IVED 2012
üFinal adjudicator BET 2012
ü Accredited”B”&invited adjudicator JOVED 2012
ü Grandfinal adjudicator EF FIB UB 2012

Deputy of Chief Adjudicator (DCA) 
Brawijaya University

Debating Awards
ü 1st Runner Up of English Student Competition (ESC) FIB UB 2013
ü Octofinalist of Java Overland Intervarsities English Debate (JOVED) 2013
ü Champion of National English Fiesta (EF) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) 2013
ü Top 10 Best Speaker of National English Fiesta (EF) UMM 2013
ü 1st Runner Up of Smanisda Open Debate Championship (SMASH) 2013
ü Top 10 Best Speaker of Smanisda Open Debate Championship (SMASH) 2013
ü Semifinalist and Top 10 Best Speaker East Java Varsities English Debate (EJVED) 2012
ü Quarterfinalist of Bawor Cup UNSOED 2012
ü Champion of Smanisda Open Debate Championship (SMASH) 2012
ü Quarterfinalist of ITS Open Debate 2012
ü Octofinalist of National Debate Competition (NDC) UNPAD 2012
ü Runner Up of 1st Malang Newbies Debate Competition (MNDC) 2011
ü Quarterfinalist of East Java Varsities English Debate (EJVED) 2011

Adjudicating Experiences
ü Chair adjudicator of Nattional Brawijaya English Tournament (BET) 2013
ü Panel adjudicator of Seri Iskandar Debate Open (SIDEO) Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) 2012
ü Adjudicator of English Student Competition (ESA) FIB Universitas Brawijaya 2012
ü Adjudicator of International Relation Festival (IR-Fest) FISIP Universitas Brawijaya 2012
ü Adjudicator of Brawijaya English Tournament (BET) 2012 & 2013

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