Minggu, 08 November 2015

Prepared Motion of English Fair 2015

Freedom of Speech

  1. As China, THW cancel the implementation of its new law draft in regulating NGO's
  2. THBT Indonesia should never reintroduce criminal charges for insulting the President
  3. THBT universities in liberal democracy should no longer apply safe-space policy
  1. THBT international financial institutions (such as World Bank, IMF, ADB) should not give soft loans to corrupt states*
  2. TH regrets the rise of sharing economy (such as Go-Jek, Grab Bike, Uber Taxi) in Indonesia
  3. THBT government should prioritise to reduce income inequality over GDP growth
Considering the former terminology may cause multi-interpretation, we find it more strategic to substitute term "Financial aid" with more specific diction "soft loans".

This change doesn't really affect the essence of the motion as "soft loans" may also fall under the category of financial aid. This is just a matter of strategic diction. 
Thank you very much

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